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Contour Your Body with CoolSculpting


CoolSculpting is a revolutionary treatment that is helping people contour their body and get more confidence in the way they look and feel. It harnesses the power of cold to safely and effectively remove stubborn fat deposits. The technology used in CoolSculpting means that unwanted fat cells are removed forever. Many people are surprised at how effective and simple this procedure truly is.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

Yes, this is a safe procedure. It has received FDA-approval for safety. Over the years, thousands of individuals have benefited from this treatment without anything negatively impacting their health.

CoolSculpting works by using controlled cooling to bring fat cells down to a temperature that causes them to die. When fat cells die, they rupture and release their content. Your lymphatic system goes to work gathering the released fat and the cellular debris and then removing it from your body via your body’s natural waste removal system.

This is a safe and natural process that your body goes through over the course of months. As this happens, you will notice a reduction in the amount of fat in the areas treated by CoolSculpting.

Is CoolSculpting Time-Consuming?

CoolSculpting is a quick treatment that produces tangible results. Your treatments can be planned around your other activities. The number of treatments you will need will depend on the amount of fat you want to remove, the composition of your fat cells, and your body type.

Since this is a non-invasive treatment, you do not need to undergo surgery. You don’t need to take a bunch of time off of work. And the non-invasive nature of the treatment means that you can simply relax while the procedure is being done.

CoolSculpting is not designed as a weight loss tool. However, it can help individuals who are close to or at their healthy BMI get rid of stubborn pockets of fat and contour their body into something that they will be proud to show off.

Contact Us Today

Make an appointment at Northstate Plastic Surgery to get all the facts about this popular body contouring treatment. Contact our office today to book your consultation!

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