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Customize Your Mommy Makeover for Your Needs

mommy makeover

If after having children and breastfeeding once or several times you are disappointed with the way your body looks, a mommy makeover may be a good option for you. It is a combination of surgical procedures that are done during one surgical session and can address your breasts, abdomen, fat, and more. If you have dieted and exercised and still haven’t reached your pre-baby body, don’t worry, a mommy makeover could take you the rest of the way.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Just as the name suggests, mothers sometimes sacrifice their physical appearance to have children. A few don’t have much change, but most women get sagging breasts, protruding abdomens, and fat pockets that will not move no matter what kind of exercise they do. A mommy makeover may address all of the above and then some. When you talk to our cosmetic surgeon, you can customize your mommy makeover to take care of your specific needs.

What are the Main Procedures?

Sagging breasts and the abdomen area are the main places women want to be improved. These are done with a tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, and breast enhancement.

During pregnancy, weight is gained and lost in the abdomen area and the muscles are stretched. During a tummy tuck, the skin and tissue are lifted off the abdomen muscles, which are then tightened. The skin is stretched back over the tummy and the excess skin is removed. In many cases, stretch marks are removed at this time. This is a permanent solution as long as you don’t get pregnant again. If you happen to have another child, you may need to have another tummy tuck as it won’t withstand a pregnancy. However, it may give you a flat abdomen for many years to come.

When it comes to breast enhancement, there are two main ways to improve the appearance of your breasts. One is a breast lift and the other is breast implants. You will discuss your options with our specialist and choose the best procedure for your situation. A breast lift may be suitable if you just want your breasts to be a bit higher and perkier. Breast implants may be needed if you have lost volume along with drooping. Keep in mind that these procedures can be combined.

Other procedures include liposuction, which is often used along with a tummy tuck to remove stubborn fat pockets. It may also remove fat on your thighs and waist.

Learn More

You may not be sure which procedures will give you back your pre-pregnancy body. This is why it is important to talk to a qualified plastic surgeon to customize your mommy makeover. Here at Northstate Plastic Surgery, we will help you have realistic expectations so you can decide which procedures to have to be satisfied with the results. Contact us today to book an appointment at our office in Chico!

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