As a man, you never really thought much about your breasts. They are just another part of your body that has gone unnoticed – until now. Recently, your breasts have become enlarged. One day, you looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe what had happened to your body. Your breasts look like they belong on a woman. They are so large that you are extremely self-conscious. You avoid any situation where you would have to remove your shirt in public. You have started wearing really baggy shirts in an effort to hide what is going on underneath. You tend to shy away from social gatherings because you are so uncomfortable about how you look. It may be time to consider a male breast reduction procedure.
Breast surgery is not only for women. Many men deal with enlarged breasts. Rather than live with their breasts looking the way they do, male breast reduction offers a solution. If your breasts have become enlarged due to hormonal changes, hormone therapy, or after extreme weight loss, a male breast reduction procedure could be recommended for you.
The thing is that men aren’t supposed to have large breasts. Your breasts didn’t always look this way. You used to have a flatter, smoother chest. You want to go back to the way things were. Weight gain and then losing weight can leave deposits of fat behind that don’t go away. More often, enlarged breasts in men are connected to hormonal changes. You could be experiencing a hormonal imbalance due to a health condition.
In order to resolve the problem, our skilled surgeon can remove any fat and excess breast tissue that has developed. You will be given instructions on how to care for yourself following your procedure. Give your body time to heal and you will soon be able to enjoy a flat chest once again.
Your frustration with enlarged breasts is understandable. You need to find answers that will help you to feel confident about your body. Schedule an appointment with us at Northstate Plastic Surgery in Chico and learn more about male breast reduction. Contact us today to book your consultation!