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Nose Reshaping: How Does It Work?

Nose Reshaping

Nose reshaping, sometimes referred to as a nose job or rhinoplasty, is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of your nose. It is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures offered at Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA. Today, our goal is to answer the top questions we receive about this life-changing procedure, including how it works.

Nose Reshaping: How Does It Work?

Nose reshaping usually works by making small incisions inside the nostrils. Through these incisions, the cartilage and bone are manipulated to improve the aesthetic of your nose. Once that’s done, the incisions are closed, and your nose is wrapped in surgical dressing and protected with a splint. Depending on the scope of the procedure, however, it may also be necessary to make incisions running along the base of the nose.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?

You can generally expect to be considered a good candidate for this procedure if you are displeased by the aesthetic of your nose. However, you need to come in for an initial consultation to discuss your health and goals to verify the safety and efficacy of this procedure for you. We will also advise you on what preparation and recovery steps you will need to take for an optimal experience. Pregnancy is one of the most common contraindications for this procedure.

How Should I Prepare for Surgery?

Attending your initial consultation is the most important preparation step you must take prior to surgery. During that consultation, we will give you a list of all the other instructions you need to follow to enjoy a safe procedure, smooth recovery, and optimal results. One of the most important preparation steps you’ll need to take is to avoid consuming alcohol and nicotine for two weeks before surgery.

We will also determine the right anesthesia for you to receive to keep you comfortable during your procedure. If your heart and lungs are healthy and the scope of your procedure is significant, we will probably find general anesthesia to be the best fit for you. In such a case, you will be asked to avoid consuming foods and dark liquids for eight hours prior to surgery and refrain from consuming any liquid for two hours prior to nose reshaping.

What Recovery Guidelines Will I Need To Follow?

There are many recovery guidelines you will need to follow after your nose job. One of the most important rules to follow is to not consume any alcohol or tobacco products during the first two weeks following your procedure. This is because the consumption of these substances can increase your blood pressure significantly and slow your recovery period. It is also extremely important that you do not blow your nose during the early stages of your recovery.

If your nose becomes itchy while you are recovering, you have a few options. One option is to ignore the itchiness until the feeling passes. Another option is to use a saline spray to calm your sinuses. You can safely and effectively use a saline spray that you purchase from the local pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Another option you have at your disposal is to use an antihistamine to relieve itchiness.

How Long Should I Expect My Recovery To Take?

A full recovery following a nose job may take approximately 12 months. However, most of your recovery will be over roughly four to six weeks following your nose job. During the first week or two following surgery, you will need to stay home and focus on your recovery. You should not plan to go to work or school during this time. You should not perform any vigorous physical activity during the first four to six weeks after your nose job.

What Can I Do To Shorten My Recovery Period?

You can shorten your recovery period by taking excellent care of yourself. You should not lift anything that weighs over 10 pounds, and you should avoid pushing or pulling anything heavy. Additionally, you should do everything you can to prevent your face from being impacted. Therefore you should avoid playing any contact sports or other sports that may cause facial injuries.

Additionally, it is extremely important for efficient, effective nose healing that you do not apply too much pressure to the bridge of your nose. Therefore, you should minimize the amount of time you spend wearing sunglasses or glasses once the protective splint has been removed. Getting plenty of quality sleep will also help you recover faster. Just make sure that you’re sleeping on your back with your head elevated. Other helpful steps include:


Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Nose reshaping improves the appearance of your nose by manipulating the bone and cartilage through small incisions. Usually, these incisions are only made inside the nostrils, but they can be made on the outside of the nose in extreme cases. To find out if this procedure is right for you, contact us now at Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA to schedule your initial consultation.

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