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Tummy Tuck: How It Can Help You

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that can dramatically change your figure and help you lose that excess skin and last bit of stubborn fat from your midsection. Some people find that no matter how much they diet and how often they exercise, they still have what they refer to as a “muffin top.” The sad truth is that this is most likely not due to much extra fat but is rather due to extra skin and underlying tissues that have become stretched out and are now hanging over the lower abdomen and upper pelvis. If this situation sounds familiar to you, we invite you to make an appointment at our office to see how a tummy tuck can help you.

A tummy tuck is only designed to deal with extra skin and tissues hanging over the abdomen. If you have excess fat in this area or around your love handles, hips or thighs, you will need to consider liposuction, which can be used in conjunction with a tummy tuck. Following this procedure, you may indeed find that you have lost a pound or two thanks to the skin and tissues that were removed. More importantly and more noticeably, however, your clothes will fit much better, and you may even be able to see a toned tummy.

Since a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, you should plan on having anesthesia as well as a recovery period. The procedure is surgical because the surgeon has to go in and remove unwanted skin and tissue and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles. Tightening the muscles alone can significantly impact your shape as your abdominal organs will be held in tightly and your abdominal muscle tone will be more easily seen.

If you are tired of dealing with excess skin, weak muscles, and stubborn fat despite your healthy lifestyle, a tummy tuck may be just what you need. Set up your appointment with us at Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates to learn more about this popular procedure. Contact us today for your consultation in Chico.

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