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When to Consider a Breast Lift

Your bust isn’t what it used to be. Those perky breasts have been sagging for a while now. You’ve tried doing exercises at the gym to tighten up your chest. They haven’t helped. Your only other option has been to wear bras with extra support. As soon as you take your bra off, you’re back to where you started. You’re struggling with a common problem for many women. It may be time to consider a breast lift to bring your bust back up to where it belongs.

Why Opt for a Breast Lift?

If you have had one or more children, the changes that happen to your breasts during pregnancy can be significant. Your breasts swell while you are expecting. If you nurse, they will continue to be larger. After you are done nursing, they may get smaller. However, it’s common for your bust to droop at this point in life. As you get older, your skin will become less elastic. This can also result in sagging breasts. If you gain weight, this will take a toll on your breasts. Once your breasts sag, you can’t lift them up on your own. You’ll need a plastic surgeon’s help.

What Can Our Plastic Surgeon Do About Sagging Breasts?

Our skilled plastic surgeon can go in and reshape your breasts. Excess skin can be removed in order to tighten up your bust. Your areolas and nipples can be lifted along the way as well. In the end, your breasts may even look like they did in your younger years. Life may take away some of your perkiness, but our plastic surgeon can help restore a more youthful figure.

Do keep in mind that a breast lift is not designed to enhance the size of your breasts. If you are looking for larger breasts, consider breast augmentation. You can inquire about having implants and a breast lift when you have your consultation with our expert.

Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About a Breast Lift

A breast lift can do more than lift your breasts. It can lift your spirits. Talk to our surgeon at Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico to learn more information about this popular procedure. Contact us today for a consultation!

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