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Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover
Pregnancy is one of the miracles of life, but it can also permanently alter a woman’s body, especially the abdomen and breasts. At Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA, we know that a mommy makeover is an ideal surgery to restore a mother’s pre-pregnancy figure. But are you a good candidate for this procedure?

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Candidates for this procedure are typically women who are in good general health and who are prepared to maintain an ideal body weight for the foreseeable future. This procedure can address many of your aesthetic concerns at once, but the techniques are moderately invasive. You will need to complete blood tests and certain exams to ensure you are healthy enough for this procedure. 
Ideally, candidates for this surgical procedure should have given birth at least six months ago. This is because your body requires time to heal after childbirth, even if you had a surgical birth. Candidates for this surgery should also stop breastfeeding for at least six months, as this will give your breast volume enough time to settle so your surgeon can have a better idea of how to restore your breast shape and volume.

Why Should You Consider This Procedure?

Women who are interested in a mommy makeover typically consider this surgery to restore the shape of their bodies to a pre-pregnancy state. Because pregnancy typically involves weight gain and changes in skin tightness, many mothers must struggle with returning to a pre-pregnancy body weight and body shape using only diet and exercise. Some signs you should consider this procedure include:

You Have Concerns About Your Breast Volume

During pregnancy, the size of your breasts may grow as you gain weight, and your breast size may continue to alter as you breastfeed. However, after you are done breastfeeding, the volume of your breasts may significantly decrease, which can lead to skin laxity and less tight breast tissues. This surgical procedure can tighten and lift the breasts. Some women also consider breast augmentation to restore breast volume. 

You Have Stretch Marks and Loose Tummy Skin

Many women develop stretch marks during pregnancy, which can lead to permanent scars on the abdomen even if a woman uses scar removal gel, oil, or lotion. Likewise, the abdominal muscles and the skin on the stomach can also become very loose after pregnancy and may not always respond to abdominal exercises. This procedure can remove loose skin and tighten abdominal muscles.

You Have Had a C-Section

If you have had a C-section, one way you can restore the strength of your abdominal muscles is with a surgical procedure. This procedure can also help get rid of the C-section scar. Some women who have given birth to twins may also have a hernia, which can be corrected with this procedure.

How Long Will Your Surgery Take?

This procedure will typically take three to six hours to complete, depending on the complexity of your surgery and your aesthetic goals. Your surgery will likely involve general anesthesia, so you may need to stay in the hospital overnight. If you don’t stay in the hospital, you will have to make arrangements for someone to take you home and care for you after your procedure.

Preparation Instructions

To prepare for this procedure, you should stop smoking at least four weeks before your scheduled surgery. You should not use medications and vitamins that cause blood thinning for at least one to two weeks, which can include OTC medications like aspirin. You should not consume alcohol for at least 48 hours before your procedure since alcohol can also cause blood thinning side effects. 

Aftercare Instructions

During the first two weeks after your surgery, many of your activities will be restricted, including work, exercise, and household chores. You will not be able to lift anything after your procedure, including your children, so you should make arrangements for childcare for at least the first few weeks. You will need to follow specific instructions on diet, showering, and wound care. 
As part of your aftercare instructions, you will need to wear compression garments. Typically, an elastic bandage is placed around the abdomen, and a compression bra is worn to encourage more rapid healing. You may also be instructed to wear compression garments on any other area of the body where liposuction was used during your surgery, such as the buttocks. 

When Will You Be Fully Recovered After Your Surgery?

Most women are mostly recovered about six weeks after a mommy makeover procedure. You will notice your final results developing about two to three months after your procedure, although optimal results may not be evident for up to six months. During your recovery, you will need to attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to check on your recovery progress. 

Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

If you have tried to lose weight and tighten the skin on your body with diet and exercise without much success, this procedure can be an ideal option for you. This procedure can help restore breast volume, tighten abdominal muscles, and remove excess skin. Reach out to Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA to schedule your consultation appointment today. 
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