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Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most desired and popular surgical cosmetic procedures done in the United States today. It is a particular favorite among women who have felt embarrassed by the small size of their breasts for years or who have noticed that their breasts have begun changing in the past several years due to age or another factor. However, this procedure is not the right choice for everyone. Some women are not bothered at all by the shape or size of their breasts. Others are unsure whether a surgical procedure would leave them feeling better or worse about their bodies. It is vital that you determine whether you are a good candidate for this procedure before you have it done. Here are two ways you and your surgeon will determine whether or not you are a prime candidate for this procedure.

You are Bothered by the Size of Your Breasts

The main reason that women seek out breast augmentations is to address breasts that are smaller than they would like. Many women have had small breasts since they reached maturity while others have noticed that the size of their breasts decreased as they aged. Your breasts may also be affected by weight loss or by pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it is not just the size of your breasts that can be addressed but also their shape. You may notice that the upper part of your breasts do not look as full as they once did or that one breast appears smaller than the other.

You are Generally Healthy

Because a breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, you should be generally healthy to undergo this procedure successfully. You should not have chronic health problems that would affect how well you heal or how you respond to anesthesia. You should also not have any infections or rashes near your breasts. Ideal candidates will also harbor realistic expectations about the procedure in terms of what it can accomplish.

Get In Touch with Us to Find Out More

If you are considering a breast augmentation, you will want to spend plenty of time thinking about the benefits and the consequences of having it done. It should be seen as a permanent procedure. You should also spend plenty of time with your surgeon discussing any questions that you may have and asking what the recovery period is like. Your surgeon will also be able to show you photographs of other women who have had the procedure done in the past so that you can see how your results should look. To fully determine whether you are a good candidate for a breast augmentation, we warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment with Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates! At our convenient location in Chico, CA, our caring and devoted staff will be pleased to answer whatever questions you may have. Contact us today for a consultation!

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