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Who Is a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction?

Male Breast Reduction

At Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA, we understand how difficult it can be to feel self-confident when you suffer from gynecomastia. That’s why we are excited to offer male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, to our clients. This procedure is safe and effective for most men with male breasts, but it is not right for everyone. If you think it may be right for you, keep reading to discover who qualifies, who doesn’t, and much more.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction? 

A good candidate for male breast reduction is suffering from gynecomastia and relatively healthy. There is an excellent chance that you will be considered a good fit for this procedure if your gynecomastia is caused by genetic factors, a medical condition that causes excess breast tissue growth, the use of medications, like steroids, that cause excess breast tissue growth, or a severe hormonal imbalance.

Note that it is important that you maintain a stable weight after your procedure. Fat cells produce estrogen, and excess estrogen can result in gynecomastia. Therefore, you must be willing and able to maintain a healthy weight to mitigate the risk of developing male breasts again after surgery. Your age is another factor that affects whether this procedure is right for you.

Who Shouldn’t Undergo This Procedure? 

This procedure may not be appropriate for you if you suffer from obesity. One reason men with obesity may be disqualified from surgery is that they tend to have other medical conditions, like hypertension. Additionally, if you have obesity, you may have so much excess fat that even if you suffer from gynecomastia, too, you may not be able to achieve satisfactory contours.

What If I Have Excess Chest Fat? 

If you have excess chest fat, you may be a better candidate for liposuction. This is a fat removal procedure that is usually appropriate for men with a BMI between 18.5 and 29.9. There are many benefits of this body contouring treatment, and one of the most compelling benefits is that it can be performed safely at the same time as other procedures, like male breast reduction.

Depending on your unique case, you may need both gynecomastia surgery and liposuction. Some men have gynecomastia and excess fat deposits in their chest. They can benefit from gynecomastia surgery and chest liposuction. Other men have pseudogynecomastia, or the appearance of male breasts due to excess fat deposits. Generally, they could benefit from chest liposuction, and sometimes they need liposuction performed in other areas, like the: 


What Preparation Steps Are Required Before Surgery? 

The most important step to take before surgery is to attend an initial consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, we will advise you on everything else you need to do prior to surgery. One of the most important rules to follow before your procedure is to not consume alcohol or tobacco products. There are many reasons this rule must be followed, including helping to ensure that your blood pressure is normal at the time of your procedure.

Another very important preparation step that you need to take is to stop taking any drug or supplement that can affect your blood, such as blood-thinners, fish oil supplements, MAOIs, and anticoagulants. Your blood needs to be able to clot normally, and it can’t be too thin at the time of your procedure. Additionally, you will need to take steps to prepare for your recovery.

What Should I Do to Prepare for My Recovery? 

One step you can take prior to surgery to ensure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible is to get your prescriptions filled. You will be prescribed antibiotics and analgesics. You must take the entire course of antibiotics as directed regardless of how healthy you feel, and you shouldn’t have to worry about doing anything besides going home and resting once your procedure is complete.

Note that due to the medication administered before surgery to ensure your comfort and peace of mind, you will not be able to drive for 24 hours after surgery. Therefore, you should make sure that you have someone to drive you home after your procedure. Furthermore, you will need someone to run errands for you.

How Long Will My Recovery Last? 

Everyone has a unique recovery timeline, but you should expect to need to take a week or two off from work if you have a sedentary job. However, you should expect to wear a compression garment every day and night for the first six weeks following surgery. Additionally, you may need to avoid strenuous physical activity for six to eight weeks post-op.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You will most likely be considered a good male breast reduction if you are fairly healthy, suffer from gynecomastia, and have realistic expectations about the results you can enjoy after surgery. If you think you would be a good fit for surgery and want to find out for sure, contact us now at Northstate Plastic Surgery Associates in Chico, CA to schedule an initial consultation.

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